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Home remedies are a great safe and profitable mechanism in the treatment of common diseases and conditions. Some of the traditional, efficient home remedies are discussed next. They might be worth a try! To begin with, there are natural home remedies to treat Athlete's foot. Athlete's foot is a painful fungus that attacks the foot. Using Vick's Vapor-rub is a viable solution. Most homes use Vick's Vapor-rub to treat a sore throat, cough, and allergy symptoms. The best approach to making Vick's Vapor-rub effective in curing Athlete's foot is to wrap a generous amount of Vick's in a plastic wrap or cotton wrap. You should secure tightly and wear it for a few hours. This treatment should be repeated at least twice a day until the infection disappears. The affected area might discolor, but that should not alarm you as this is Vick's in action. It takes about a week before seeing results. The three ingredients responsible for the healing effect are camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol. The menthol might be the superior part as it helps the athlete's foot to breathe by opening up pores and allowing passage of air. Know the vicks vaporub uses here!


To get rid of abdomen pain, stomach pain, make a paste of half a gram of high powder Indian spice and mix it with water. Then fill up your belly button. Next step is to lie down for 15 to 20 minutes where you will experience the release of gas after which you will be okay. If you would like to do away with Acne or Acne scars, apply a mask on your face made of egg whites. Egg whites are known drivers that will work on impurities removing them from your face. Leave the egg white mask on until every spot is dry. Use this for 2 to 3 consecutive days, and you will see the difference on the Acne.


Pimples and blemishes have their Wise Owl Remedies too. Mix garlic juice with three parts of water and use it as a cleansing agent. Raw garlic that is applied through rubbing on the face can be a good treat against persistent pimples. These annoying spots can disappear without leaving a scar if the application is repeated.


Arthritis has a home treatment that is composed of Bogbean which is an aquatic herb. This plant has proven to be a useful herb for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and it is also an anti-inflammatory. It is advisable to drink plenty of water because this herb cleanses the urinary tract. To learn more effective home remedies, go to

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